Dear Friends,

Your support made it possible for The Hope of Survivors to have an exhibit booth at the 2019 International Pathfinder Camporee, where kids of all ages come to play, share, learn and worship God together in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, every 5 years.

The Hope of Survivors needed to be there, as many young people expressed an interest in our mission, had questions about what constitutes clergy sexual abuse, shared and traded our buttons and wristbands, and were ministered to by our volunteers, Sandy Kirkham and Ellen Peid. Below is a report from Sandy:

Oshkosh, WI, has a population of approximately 66,665. The number of Pathfinder campers and attendees at this year’s Camporee, camping on the air field, was over 55,000, from 100 different countries! Quite impressive! Ellen Pied and I had the pleasure to represent The Hope of Survivors at one of the many exhibits held inside one of the four large airplane hangars.

It was a very busy week, but the opportunity to share the ministry with so many was encouraging and gratifying. The ages of the campers varied from young school age to teenagers, as well as many camp leaders. Ellen and I adjusted our message depending upon the ages of the campers stopping by our booth. Having raised two children, and now being a grandmother, along with my background as a nurse, helped me to discuss the topic with the children. Talking to the teenage campers about my own sexual abuse at age 16 by my youth pastor (from the DVD, Innocence Stolen, Trust Betrayed) was easier.

Statistics tell the frightening number of children being abused, or the likelihood they will be abused, before reaching adulthood. So the message of safety, even within the walls of the church (some would say especially within the walls of the church), can never start too early. Even the simple message that abuse can occur in the church by a trusted leader, may be just one fact one of these innocent children need to know to stop future abuse.

As always, I am humbled to represent The Hope of Survivors and grateful for the impact I know this ministry has. As stated by Pastor Mark Rowland, “It is far easier to prevent evil, than to recover from it.

Ellen, who recently received her 50-year honor for being a part of Pathfinders that long, also was happy for the opportunity to represent The Hope of Survivors and she shared some of the highlights she experienced below from just the first couple days:

“Your work is appreciated. So far 3 women have stopped to say thank you. Also a couple of husbands. One said they donate to THOS. A few Pathfinders said they appreciate the difference The Hope of Survivors is making.

A young, very soft spoken boy asked, “how did one specifically know when something was clergy sexual abuse?” He brightened up twice when he learned clergy sexual abuse happens to boys & young men as well as to girls & women, and when he learned about Ted’s experience (from the DVD, Betrayed Trust, Hidden Secrets) and how he grew up and became part of the legal system & now helps THOS.

There were also many leaders from Kenya, most of them male, who stopped by to reiterate that there is a great need for The Hope of Survivors in Kenya.”

Friends, it always amazes me how God sends people to our booth who need to hear the message of truth The Hope of Survivors shares about clergy sexual abuse. Exhibits are expensive, but it is more cost effective than purchasing magazine advertising space, plus we get to personally interact with people and minister to victims directly. We praise God for making it possible for us to be there, and we thank you for your prayers and generous support!

Please don’t stop praying and contributing, as we need your help for the next big event in October–the American Association of Christian Counselors World Conference being held in Nashville, TN. Thank you in advance for your support!

God bless you,
Samantha Nelson