Dear Friends,

I am so happy to share this update from Elgin & Gail Jenkins, our volunteers who just exhibited on our behalf:

“We attended the Pacific Union ASI Conference from April 26-29, 2018, on the beautiful campus of Weimar Institute in Northern California. This conference was a wonderful blessing for us and a great opportunity to share the mission of The Hope of Survivors (THOS) with those in attendance. We were surrounded by God’s 2nd book, nature. Coupled with the beautiful surrounding was the gracious and very amiable and accommodating staff at Weimar.

Pat Arrabito from LLT Productions interviewed my dear wife Gail and me during the Members In Action time. We shared the mission of THOS and the impact it is making. We also briefly shared our testimony on how we became involved is this much-needed and Christ-centered ministry. One of the questions that Sister Pat asked us was if THOS was only for Seventh-day Adventists. We shared that THOS serves all faith communities and denominations since those who have been taken advantage of and abused are not limited to just one faith community.

After our interview, several individuals approached us and thanked us repeatedly for THOS ministry. I don’t recall in the past so many individuals sharing with us their heartfelt gratitude for the existence of THOS like we experienced at this conference. Many shared with us their personal testimonies about being taking advantage of and/or their family members who were sexually abused. We made a number of good contacts and were able to offer resource materials such as the DVDs: Call It Anything But Love!, Innocence Stolen-Trust Betrayed and Betrayed Trust-Hidden Secrets and the book, Reaching the Hurting, as well as the flyers and Spanish booklets.

We thank our lovely Lord and Savior for turning our experience into a blessing by helping others who have gone or are going through what we have gone through. We praise the Lord for blessing us with the opportunity to be part of THOS and to be able to share with others that there is hope and healing by the power and grace of Jesus Christ.”

I think you can join with me in praising God for using Elgin & Gail and The Hope of Survivors to be a light in the darkness of clergy sexual abuse! Thank you so much for your ongoing prayers for the ministry and all those we serve, as well as your financial support.

God bless you,
Samantha Nelson