People You’ll Encounter.

Some people don’t get it.

They don’t understand how life-altering abuse is. They don’t understand why talking about it, even publicly, is healing to you and others.

They’d rather you don’t talk about it.

Some tell you to move on faster than your healing allows.

Maybe some try to shame you into forgiving before you understand the damage you are forgiving and healing from.

Some tell you that you need to take equal responsibility for the crimes committed against you and they will say your violation was consensual.

Some will blame your personality or your clothing for your experience.

Some shame you for getting abused and think it would never happen to them.

Maybe some are angry because they wish they could heal like you are.


Some people research and learn more to understand though they have not walked this road.

Some people will equip you and walk alongside you as you heal.

Some people may not get it and do their best to love you and support you.

Some people fiercely stand for justice and defend the vulnerable.

Some people will show you unconditional love and understanding.

Some people will hold space for you and hug you when you cry.

Some people have walked through the valley of abuse and understand your trauma, feelings, and responses.

Some people will blow you away with their thoughtfulness and love as you heal and share your journey with them.

Some people will treasure your story and defend you behind your back.

Find these people. Love on them and let them love on you.

Written by Kia Hiepler