Kia Hiepler

Kia HieplerKia was abused and manipulated by the man who was her youth pastor for three of her teenage years. The abuse changed her into a stranger in her own body and she became a hollow shell of herself. In the midst of the abuse she felt she wasn’t who she was supposed to be, and couldn’t do anything to get rid of that feeling. So, she cried out to God and asked Him to do whatever He needed to to get her to where she needed to be. God heard her cries, intervened, delivered her with His mighty hand, and He continues to heal her deep wounds. Kia firmly believes her abuse happened so God could use her to help others who have been abused. She is passionate about raising awareness about sexual abuse and wants everyone to trust their God-Given Gut instinct and learn about the tactics manipulative pastors use. You can check out her victim impact statement and blog at

Since being freed from her abuser, Kia has rediscovered her humor, has strong relationships with her friends and family, can pursue what God calls her to, and she enjoys life again. Kia wants anyone who has been abused by clergy to know their predator pastor does not have to ruin their relationship with God and God can heal every broken part of them.