Dear Friends,

The 2019 AACC (American Association of Christian Counselors) World Conference in Nashville, TN, was SO Encouraging! This was the second time Kyoko and I were privileged to exhibit and represent The Hope of Survivors at this wonderful Conference in Nashville. ‘Encourage’ is the best verb I can use to describe the four days we shared with others. We both received encouragement and encouraged others.

Webster’s defines encourage as: “to inspire with hope, courage, to give support!” We walked beside fellow servants of the Lord giving and receiving hope and courage–spurring one another on toward good works.

Let me express how the Lord blessed each and every day at the Conference. First, my dear sister in Christ, Kyoko, always gives me courage as she works by my side to educate, support, share, inspire, and give hope and healing to all those that walk by our exhibit. She is faithful to ask people to volunteer and help THOS minister to God’s hurting sheep.

As a peer counselor with The Hope of Survivors, it was such a blessing to be surrounded by so many Christian Counselors that encouraged me with their knowledge, wisdom, and compassion. We explained to them that THOS never wants to replace licensed Christian Counselors. But, rather, have peer counselors in addition to their counseling–ones who walk alongside victims/survivors as those God has healed from clergy sexual abuse. They were very encouraged THOS offered such support and amazed the peer counseling was free!

We had several sisters come by THOS exhibit to encourage and support us. Kimberly Osment cared for the booth so we could grab a bite to eat and take breaks–she was such a blessing. And Jo Bruns came by to eat lunch with us–telling everyone how instrumental THOS has been in her healing since she first came by THOS exhibit in 2017. It is amazing to see what God has done in her life.

The many people asking for pictures with us so they could remember to pray for us also encouraged us. God brought us very special people to lift up THOS and us in prayer–some continue to pray for us still. Prayer is powerful and one of the greatest blessings to this precious ministry. Fellow exhibitors encouraged and supported us, too. Even as we were setting up, a mother and daughter joined us to find out all about THOS. They did not know such a ministry existed but were so encouraged we are there as the hands and feet of Jesus to help His wounded lambs. The exhibitors to our left and right were very impressed with THOS ministry. One man opened up about how, many years ago, a spiritual leader sexually exploited his wife. There was no ministry to help back then–so he is very thankful for THOS now. We were especially blessed to go to dinner with two special exhibitors and friends–we not only shared food, but our lives. They gave such courage, wisdom, and insight to our work with the Lord.

We had counselors come by because they saw THOS ad in the Conference Booklet. They needed help to reach clients and family members dealing with this complicated abuse by predator pastors. And it was encouraging to see familiar counselor faces from two years ago–they wanted to encourage us to keep up the hard work and thank us for this needed, inspiring ministry.

Oh, how I wish Steve and Samantha could hear all these voices!

I never cease to be amazed at how the Holy Spirit leads just the right people–to just the right place–for just the right time! Kyoko and I prayed every day for this and God answered our prayers. One by one, people came up and became transparent and open with us about their past abuses. One lady said she knew when I stood up she was safe to share her heart as one who understood. Others came by several times to just sit and share, share, and share. People shared with Kyoko and I as only the Holy Spirit can lead. It was truly beautiful to be a part of such a moving. ‘Encourage’ sums up this AACC Conference–to see, feel, receive and give courage & hope to one another!

Thank you for your financial support and prayers, which made this possible!

God bless you,
Tammy Landry
Victim Support Representative